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A mobile X-ray ward device intended for examining patients with limited mobility in intensive care units, traumatology and orthopedics units.

Main features of MobiRen-4MT mobile X-ray devices: portability, mobility, small weight, maneuverability, easy operation.

The power device (4 kW) provides high-quality radiological images with minimal radiation exposure.

MobiRen-4MT may be supplied in the following options:

  • a digital device with a wireless flat-panel mobile digital receiver (43×35 cm).

Advantages of the MobiRen-4MT digital option:

  1. enlarged touchscreen;
  2. screen angle adjustment for the lab technician convenience;
  3. wide range of automatic exposure modes (APR).
  • an analog device with the ViziR-MT computed radiography system;
  • an analog device with a MiniMed-4MT automatic processing machine;
  • field device with a flat-panel mobile digital receiver.

A field MobiRen-4MT option is an assembly construction consisting of several elements stored in shipping boxes, which provide the preservation of device parts and convenient transportation.


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