Sanctions will not prevent the construction of a regional children’s hospital in Krasnogorsk

Sanctions and restrictions on the import of foreign materials will not affect the pace of construction of a children’s hospital in Krasnogorsk. The hospital is being built according to the project of LLC “Aurum”.
Only domestic raw materials are used at the site. Especially in order to find out how things are with import substitution in the project, the governor of the Moscow region, Andrey Vorobyov, came to the facility.

“The Children’s Hospital is very important for the Moscow region – it is a presidential project. A modern building with an area of 110 thousand square meters. We regularly visit here to make sure of the quality and compliance with the construction deadlines. The work is going on 24 hours a day, the volume is very large and we are doing everything to hand over this project ahead of schedule,” the governor’s words are quoted in the message.

He added that to date, an alternative has been found in the face of Russian manufacturers on issues of import substitution of automation systems, air conditioning and technological units.


The construction of the Moscow Regional Children’s Hospital is planned to be completed ahead of schedule – in the first quarter of 2024.


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